Special Provision A1

This article or substance may be transported on passenger aircraft only with the prior approval of the appropriate authority of the State of origin and the State of the operator under the written conditions established by those authorities. A copy of the document of approval, showing the quantity limitations and packing requirements, must accompany the consignment. The article or substance may be carried on cargo aircraft in accordance with Columns K and L of the List of Dangerous Goods in Subsection 4.2. Where States, other than the State of origin and the State of the operator, have lodged a variation advising that they require prior approval of shipments made under this Special Provision, approval must also be obtained from these States, as appropriate.
Where Special Provision A1 applies to an item in Subsection 4.2 and the “hand” symbol is also shown in the left margin, these items may be accepted for transport by operator(s) on cargo aircraft provided approval has been received and advance arrangements made with the operator(s) (see also Subsection 9.0).

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