Auto-printing the UPS 8-part from UPSWorldShip

UPS  information on how to auto-print the hazmat shipping papers from UPSWorldShip instead of using our website. This should eliminate all alignment issues you were having. See below.

1. In UPSWorldShip set the workstation up with all of the settings from the attachment named ‘Dangerous Goods.png’.

2. In UPSWorldShip on the printing setup tab, select the hazmat printer in the list at the top and change to the setting I have circled in the ‘Printing Setup.png’.

The hazmat printer will probably be named differently in your system.

Once these settings are changed, the 8-part shipping form should auto-print when closing any shipment that has hazardous information attached (even if it did not originate in UPSWorldShip).

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