Class 7 substances offered on FedEx International Priority Freight (IPF), FedEx International Premium (IP1), or FedEx International Express Freight (IXF) may require a pre-alert or pre-approval. Call (877) 398-5851 for additional information. Plutonium 239 and 241 will not be accepted as UN 3324, UN 3325, UN 3326, UN 3327, UN 3328, UN 3329, UN 3330, UN 3331 or UN 3333.
FedEx Express will not accept labelled radioactive material with a subsidiary risk of 1.4, 2.1, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 8, or 2.2 with a Cargo Aircraft Only label unless the shipper has been pre-approved.
Class 7 shipments originating in a non-U.S. location require pre-approval. Call your local FedEx customer service number and ask for FedEx Express Freight customer service.
All fissile shipments worldwide require pre-approval. Call 1-901-434-3200 for assistance.
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